Don’t leave this to chance if you are troubleshooting, log the output of something like Test-ForAdmin, and verify that you truly are running with the administrator access token.

Do they have ‘Log on as a batch job’? Are NTFS and registry ACEs in place to allow access? Verify that the account the task runs as (1) has the appropriate privileges on the local computer.Without this box checked, your code executes without the administrator access token. If UAC is enabled and your code requires administrative privileges, be sure to check the ‘Run with highest privileges’ box (2).We’ll stick to configurations that cause the most headaches, found in the general and actions tabs. Let’s look at a scheduled task, and start listing out where things can go wrong.
This is a quick hit to cover some of the more common points of failure, and how to troubleshoot these. The inquiring party tells us that they run perfectly fine outside of the task scheduler.

I often see questions about PowerShell based scheduled tasks that aren’t working.