Intrusive thoughts about death
Intrusive thoughts about death

A beautiful woman walking by leads to lustful thoughts. Intrusive thoughts may be sexual in nature. We do anything to avoid reliving what happened which leads to avoidance, busying ourselves, or numbing the pain ( Escapism). Our bodies react in panic attacks, hypervigilance, emotional outburst, breakdowns, rage, stress, and fatigue.

intrusive thoughts about death

Intrusive thoughts cause flashbacks to the event and paralyze us in our thoughts. Our minds relive what we just want to forget.

intrusive thoughts about death

Trauma or abuse may lead to intrusive thoughts, as in PTSD. Alternatively, it could lead us to despair and hopelessness. We strategize, plan, and control to ensure that everything ends up “perfectly.” Not only do we develop a plan B, but also plan C through Z. “What if my child get’s into an accident?” “What if my wife leaves me?” “What do they really think of me?” “Will I always be this broken inside?” These thoughts drive us towards anxiety and a desire to plan and control our lives. They may lead to fear, anxiety, or depression. Intrusive thoughts have many different possible outlets. These thoughts may be overwhelming, obsessive, violent, sexual, sinful, disturbing, distracting, or just plain weird. Sometimes they are enticing, “that would be so great right now.” It may seem like we are powerless against them, after all, I don’t want to think this way or about that thing. We have all had them sometimes they are shocking “I can’t believe I just thought that.” Similar to that annoying song you can’t seem to get out of your head, they consume your inner thought-life.

intrusive thoughts about death

An intrusive thought is an unwanted, unwelcome thought, dream, image, compulsion, or desire that occurs without direct intention or derived from a stimuli.

Intrusive thoughts about death